We all have gone gaga over Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor's firstborn, Taimur and his cuteness but now Atif Aslam's son Ahad has become the new social media sensation. And if you look at his latest pictures, you will agree that Ahad is indeed going to rule the internet with his overloaded cuteness. Pictures of Atif's elder son Ahad and adorable one-year-old have been going viral lately. While Atif Aslam and his wife Sara Bharwana were blessed with Ahad in 2014, they welcomed their second son in December 2019.
A few weeks back, Atif posted a picture of his younger one on his Instagram page, which got more than 7.4 lakh likes. In the picture, the one-year-old is dressed in a cream snow coat with a fur hood. Atif had captioned the picture as: "Indeed ALLAH is the best creator My Kuuuuka."
Instantly, fans replied to the adorable picture with comments such as: "So cute Mashallah" and "Like father, like son. So cute."
In the past, the singer had also treated his fans to a picture of his son from the time of his birth, looking super cute in a woollen romper with a white cap.
The singer often posts pictures of Ahad, too, on social media. In a picture posted on his birthday, Ahad can be seen standing, with Atif performing in the background. He also posted a picture on Father's Day where Atif carries Ahad on his back as they enjoy some father-son bonding time in a Vancouver park.
(With IANS inputs)