Right from the ongoing coronavirus crisis to Sushant Singh Rajput's suicide, 2020 has been nothing but one of the worst years that people are witnessing. Amid such troubled times, Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan has shared a positive message on social media. Taking to Instagram, the Badla actor posted a picture where he can be seen with some doves (symbol of peace). He captioned the picture as "in the end nothing but the purity of peace prevails .. embrace it !."
Recently, Amitabh Bachchan made headlines when he found the Hindi term for a mask. The actor shared a picture of himself wearing a Gulabo Sitabo-themed face mask and wrote, “Mil gaya! Mil gaya! Mil gaya! Bohot parishram ke baad, mask ka anuvaad mil gaya (Found it! Found it! Found it! After a lot of effort, I found the Hindi term for mask). After a lot of hard work by Ef Vb, he did the translation of ‘MASK’, in Hindi : nasikamukhsanrakshak keetaanurodhak vayuchanak vastrdoriyuktpattika.”
On the work front, Amitabh Bachchan’s latest film “Gulabo Sitabo” recently released on OTT. The film also stars Ayushmann Khurrana. It is directed by Shoojit Sircar.