After Salman Khan's Pyaar Karona and Akshay Kumar's recreated version of the Teri Mitti song, Ajay Devgn on Saturday dropped his latest song based on the ongoing coronavirus crisis titled Thahar Ja . The song not only talks about the importance of staying at home but also the need to stay happy and calm in these difficult times. Ajay Devgn, through Thahar Ja song, said that everyone should take care of themselves and also their loved ones by keeping their cool and staying at home. The video has been shot at home and one of the highlights is that his son Yug Devgn has assited in the making of the song.
Taking to Twitter, the Singham actor shared the song with a caption that read, "Pause. Reflect. Pray. We will weather this storm together. Stay safe, Stay Happy. Apno ke liye #ThaharJa.''
The song which has been produced by Ajay Devgn, has been sung and composed by Mehul Vyas, chorus by Kriti Killedar, written by Anil Verma and mix and mastered by Jaykrishan Nalinkumar. The VFX has been Supervised by Naveen Paul (NY VFXwala), edited by Dharmendra Sharma and online PKG by Shakti Hasija (Industrywalas).
\Watch Ajay Devgn's Thahar Ja song on coronavirus here
Ajay Devgn spoke about the song in an interview with Bombay Times and said, “Anil (Verma) is our inhouse writer and has written songs for Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior, too. He had written these lines, and I liked the idea. The song is more about mental health and happiness. Through the song, we are trying to explain to the common man that… you have been working all your life for your family, so now, for the sake of their safety, you have to stay at home. So, thahar ja apno ke liye".
Furthermore, the actor added, "Everyone, who was part of this, worked on it from their own homes. Given that I didn’t have a team to shoot it, I asked my son, Yug, if he wanted to be a part of it as my assistant director. When we shot it, all through the day he was working with me and running around the house. He was excited to see his name in the credits.”
Also Read: Salman Khan turns rapper in Pyaar Karona, track out on his YouTube channel. Watch here