After the huge success of his recently released film 'The Big Bull,' Actor-producer Ajay Devgan has joined hands with producer Siddharth Roy Kapur for a '90s satire film titled GOBAR! The actor on Friday took to his social media and updated about his upcoming comedy-drama. Set in the cow belt of India during the 1990s, 'GOBAR!' is an amusing satire inspired by true events that transpire when an idiosyncratic animal-loving veterinary doctor chances upon a tangled web of corruption in his local state hospital. Ajay took to Twitter and shared a picture featuring him, Siddharth and filmmaker Sabal Shekhawat.
With a common endeavour to create quality entertainment that is both compelling and unique, the two stalwarts have announced this exciting new collaboration. The forthcoming film will be directed by renowned ad filmmaker Sabal Shekhawat and is written by Sabal Shekhawat and Sambhit Mishra.
Along with the announcement, Ajay wrote, "Joining forces with @roykapurfilms to bring you an aMOOsing story from the heartland of India - GOBAR! #SiddharthRoyKapur #SabalShekhawat #SambitMishra @Meena_Iyer@KumarMangat@malvika25."
Exploring a never-seen-before milieu, the film is a one-of-a-kind comedy themed on one man's hilariously bumbling and ridiculously brave journey to stand up against corruption whatever the consequences.
Producer Siddharth Roy Kapur shares, "GOBAR! is a story that chronicles the seemingly pointless but ultimately heroic journey of a simple citizen who deals with corruption in a way that will bring on many laughs, much adventure, and ultimately a simple message about the power of the common man. What makes the film entertaining and unique is that it is a situational comedy that sheds light on the inner workings of power.
'GOBAR!' produced by Roy Kapur Films and Ajay Devgn Ffilms, will go on the floors at the end of the year. The casting for the male lead of the comedy-drama is currently ongoing.
(With ANI inputs)