In a bid to pay homage to late Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar, state Large and Medium Industries Minister Murugesh Nirani on Tuesday announced to name the podium for the 'Udyami Aagu, Udyoga Needu' (Be an Entrepreneur, Become an Employer) workshop, a flagship programme of the ministry, in Kalaburagi on November 11 after the late actor.
The Department of Industries and Commerce will conduct 'Udyami Aagu, Udyoga Needu' workshop and 'Kaigarika Adalat' in Kalaburagi on November 11. Nirani has decided to honour Puneeth by naming the podium for the programme after him. Not just Kalaburagi, Nirani has also decided to name the stage for 'Udyami Aagu, Udyoga Needu' programmes in Mysuru, Mangaluru, Tumakuru and Belagavi after the late actor.
"Puneeth not only excelled as an actor, but also proved his entrepreneurship skills as a producer. He gave opportunities to new talents in films through his PRK Production and earned praises from everyone. He helped thousands of students, especially girl students, get free education. He had also extended a helping hand to the old and destitutes and cow care centres, but never sought publicity. Puneeth's conduct and his noble deeds are worthy of emulation," Nirani said.
"Puneeth did not restrict himself to the film industry but was also involved in social service. We have taken this decision so that the coming generations remember him. He wanted our youth to be self-reliant, so it's a small effort from our side to realise his dream," Nirani added.
Also read: Karnataka government allows entry of fans to Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar's samadhi
Kannada superstar Puneeth Rajkumar, the son of matinee idol Rajkumar, passed away owing to a cardiac arrest in Bengaluru on October 29.
Also read: Hospital association demands security for late actor Puneeth Rajkumar's doctor