After Deepika-Ranveer and Priyanka-Nick’s grand weddings, fans have been talking about Bollywood star Varun Dhawan’s wedding with girlfriend Natasha Dalal. While the actor has never really talked about his wedding plans, fans have been waiting to see him getting hitched soon. Recently, as the actor promoted his upcoming film Kalank along with Alia Bhatt, he finally answered the million-dollar question about when he is getting married.
Recently during a round of promotions for his film Kalank, Varun Dhawan talked about his wedding plans and revealed, , “It’s not going to happen this year. I’m not saying I won’t get married but it’s not this soon. If I’m doing all these movies, I need to find the right time for that.” And when Varun was quizzed about Natasha and his relationship with her, he had said, “Natasha and I went to school together. So, she knows my parents since ages. She’s been attending functions with my parents before also but it wasn’t photographed then. She’s my rock, she’s my anchor. She’s the stabilizing factor in my life. It’s pretty much like family.”
Earlier, when Varun Dhawan appeared on Arbaaz Khan’s chat show Pinch, he talked about his realtionship with girlfriend Natasha Dalal and also claimed clearly that he is in love with her. He said “Everyone knows I have a girlfriend. I have been in love for a very long time with Natasha. So sometimes when people use that and make up stuff then I don't appreciate it. I feel you know, that is my thing and something that people should respect. But with social media you can't tell people where to draw the line. We can never say that.”
On the professional front, other than Kalank, Varun Dhawan will be seen in Remo D’souza’s Street Dancer and also has father David Dhawan’s Coolie No. 1 remake in the pipeline. In the film, the actor will be seen romancing Sara Ali Khan.
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