Singer Tulsi Kumar, who has crooned some wonderful songs, has recently shared the first picture of her new-born baby Shivaay Ralhan. The gorgeous lady gave birth to his son on Christmas Eve. Tulsi is happily married to Hitesh Ralhan. The picture is too cute to be missed and it will surely make your day.
Tulsi took to social networking site Instagram, “#Us #babyShivaay #blessed #family #proudparents.”
Few days back, the lady shared another adorable picture in which Tulsi’s bundle of joy can be seen holding her hand. She captioned the image as, “Bliss #amazingfeeling #nocomparison #motherhood.”
Earlier, the lady announced the birth of baby boy with a tweet. She tweeted, “Filling our arms with love and our hearts with joy, We proudly announce the birth of our Charming Baby Boy! We welcome to the world SHIVAAY RALHAN. Thnk u for all your love n wishes. Proud Parents Tulsi n Hitesh.”
Tulsi tied the knot with Hitesh, a Jaipur-based garment and home furnishings exporter on February 22, 2015.
On a related note, Tulsi has sung many songs that turned out to become big hits. Piya Aaye Na, Tum Jo Aaye and many more are some of her popular tracks. Toshi Sharib has composed her single Ik Yaad Purani, which was released recently.