Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan went on a sabbatical after his 2016 release Housefull 3. Now, he is making a comeback with Anurag Kashyap's Manmarziyaan, co-starring Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal. Taapsee calls the actor's decision to take a break extremely "brave and courageous."
For some, Abhishek's decision to stay away from the camera might point out at his unstable career but for Taapsee it only reflects strength."Abhishek will sometimes be sure, sometimes unsure of things but you need strength to survive all the ups and downs. Then to take a break to sort things out and return with a film like Manmarziyaan. It is not a conventional heroic film for him to do. It is very brave and he is strong as a person to do that. It requires courage," Taapsee said.
The 31-year-old actor says there is both an advantage and a disadvantage in having a famous last name."They (star kids) will never have a dearth of opportunities but they have to filter things. Unlike people like me, who have a dearth of opportunities at the first place, forget about filtering the offers. That's the difference. "But it doesn't make things easy for them because they have a name to live up to and people to answer to. I don't have that baggage."
The Pink star says it would be wrong to say that Abhishek has not proved himself as a performer in the industry."If you talk about his background, he is Amitabh Bachchan's son and he has a legacy on top of him. Yes, they (star kids) do get the privilege of being a star regardless of whatever work they do. But he has proved himself as an actor in films. It is not that he is totally devoid of good performance and we all know that."
Manmazriyaan is written by Kanika Dhillon and produced by Aanand L Rai. The romantic drama is scheduled to release on September 14.
(With PTI inputs)
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