While most B-town stars were busy attending parties, Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor and wife Mira Rajput celebrated a quiet Diwali 2018 with family in Mumbai. Mira and Shahid welcomed a new member Zain Kapoor to their family in September this year. Diwali is all the more special for their family this year. The proud mommy took to Instagram on Wednesday on the eve of Diwali to share a picture with Shahid where they are seen kissing each other.
The beautiful picture of the adorable duo will definitely warm the hearts of their fans.
Meanwhile, Shahid Kapoor shared a beautiful picture on his Instagram with a caption that read, “happy Diwali everyone. Hope you spent it with those who matter most”.
Mira Rajput also shared another Diwali celebration picture with brother-in-law Ishaan Khatter.
This is not the first time when they have publically displayed their love for each other on social media. Earlier on the occassion of their first marriage anniversary, Shahid had shared a picture of him kissing his wife on Insta.
Mira Rajput recently shared cute photos of their son, Zain Kapoor’s Diwali outfits. She also shared a glimpse of Zain Kapoor by sharing a photo of Misha Kapoor standing by the crib.
On the work front, Shahid Kapoor was last seen in Batti Gul Meter Chalu, also starring Shraddha Kapoor, which doomed at the box office. Currently, the Haider actor has been busy shooting for the remake of the Telugu film, Arjun Reddy- Kabir Singh. Shahid stars in the film with Kiara Advani