Raveena Tandon, who was last seen in the 2017 film Maatr, is on cloud nine as her darling daughter Rasha Thadani turned 13 years old on Thursday. The veteran actress was spotted celebrating the special day with her little angel and her friends at Gateway of India, Mumbai. The mother and daughter duo posed happily for the camera as the shutterbugs clicked several pictures of them. The birthday bash was fun all the way with Rasha and her group of friends enjoying the special day.
Dressed in a pair of white ripped jeans and a blue and white coloured top, Raveena Tandon looked stylish as always.
Meanwhile, the birthday girl wore a green short dress and paired it with cool white sneakers.
Rasha was seen enjoying the boat ride with her girl gang along with mommy dearest Raveena Tandon.
The Mohra actress also took to Instagram to wish her little one a happy 13th birthday.
“And before you know it!!! They are teenagers!!! #happy13thmybaby”, Raveena wrote while sharing an adorable picture of herself with Rasha.
Posting another fun photo from the birthday bash, the actres wrote, “Paaarrrtttyyyyytime !!!!””
Raveena Tanson married businessman Anil Thadani on 22nd February 2004, which was conducted in a blend of Khatri-Sindhi style (since Anil was Sindhi). Their wedding was outright lavish.
Raveena sat in a 100-year old doli (palanquin) that once carried the Queen of Mewar, wearing her mother’s wedding lehenga, which was reworked by the Delhi designer Manav Gangwani with dazzling gold threads and exquisite semi-precious stones. The event is said to have been a lush festive occasion with the family members from the bride and groom having a jubilant time.