Actress Saiyami Kher, who made her debut with Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's Mirzya is taking theatre workshops from critically acclaimed actor Adil Hussain. Talking about her experience, Saiyami said that working with the veteran actor reminds her how little she knows about her craft.
Saiyami posted a photograph of herself along with Adil on Instagram and captioned it: "Spent the last 15 days doing a theatre workshop with these amazing girls under the master Adil Hussain. Every time I work with Adil sir I am reminded of how little I know. Thankyou Sir. Grateful"
Saiyami hasn't done any film since her 2016 debut opposite Harshvardhan Kapoor. The actress is a sports and fitness enthusiast and draws her inspiration from Akshay Kumar.
Earlier, in an interview, the actress said that she is in talks regarding two exciting projects and she hopes that these take off soon.
(With IANS inputs)
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