Pakistani actress Mahira Khan has recently recreated Raj Kapoor’s song, Jaha Main Jaati Hun and needless to say, she looks cute in the video. Mahira’s expressions will make you fall in love with her. The lady is rumoured to be dating actor Ranbir Kapoor from quite some time after her picture with him in New York went viral on social media. We wonder if the handsome hunk has watched this video of the actress.
Few days back, some videos of Mahira dancing at her friend’s wedding went viral on the internet. She grooved to the beats of some of the popular Bollywood songs.
Mahira was brutally trolled when her pics with Ranbir went viral on social media. People slammed her for smoking and wearing backless dress. Many Bollywood celebrities came out in her support. Ranbir defended her saying, “I've gotten to know Mahira in a personal capacity over the last few months. She is somebody who I admire and respect, for her achievements and even more for the person she is. It is very unfair the way she is being judged and spoken about. What is also said is the inequality in judgment just because she is a woman. I request you to stop the negativity and move on with your beautiful god gifted lives. Peace and Love.”
On a related note, Mahira made her Bollywood debut with Shah Rukh Khan starrer Raees. She was last seen in Verna.