Pakistani actress Mahira Khan has set the internet on fire with her latest video in which she can be seen grooving to the tunes of some of the popular Bollywood songs including Shilpa Shetty’s Main Aayi Hoon UP Bihar Lootne. It was her friend’s wedding and the gorgeous lady left no stone unturned to make the day special for her. From Banno Tera Swagger to Butterfly, Mahira had lot of fun while dancing to these songs.
The lady was looking drop dead gorgeous in a beautiful lehenga. She has given us one more reason to love her. Well, Mahira already bowled over people with her spectacular performance when she made her Bollywood debut alongside superstar Shah Rukh Khan with Raees.
Recently, the actress was in the news because of her alleged affair with actor Ranbir Kapoor. Few months back, her pics with the actor from New York went viral on social media after which rumours about their relationship started doing the rounds. The lady was also criticised for wearing backless dress.
Well, people have to wait little longer to watch her in Bollywood films. On a related note, she is currently filming Saat Din Mohabbat In and Maula Jatt 2.