Today is Mr. Khiladi Akshay Kumar's birthday and #HappyBirthdayAkshayKumar is trending on Twitter. Wishes are pouring in on social media from all the corners. Akshay rang in his 51st birthday with wife Twinkle Khanna and a few close friends. Also, another Bollywood couple Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja again grabbed eyeballs with their PDA. Sonam was in Delhi to attend an event where the couple was captured being goofy. Apart from these, we have other Bollywood celebrity news as well. Here are all the latest and trending Bollywood news and updates. Happy scrolling.
Akshay Kumar's birthday bash and wife Twinkle Khanna's adorable wish for 'lovely Mr. K'
Mr. Khiladi of Bollywood, Akshay Kumar has turned a year older and his near and dear ones made sure to kick-start his birthday in a special way. Akshay, who is celebrating his 51st birthday today had a small bash at a popular Mumbai eatery last evening. He was joined by close friend Bobby Deol and his wife Twinkle Khanna. Read FULL story and check out ALL PICTURES.
Ayushmann Khurrana's unusual way to prepare for his character in AndhaDhun is mind-boggling
Bollywood actors always go an extra mile to get into the skin of their characters. The multi-talented Ayushmann Khurrana left no stone unturned while preparing for his forthcoming movie AndhaDhun. The actor who was last seen in 2017 flick Shubh Mangal Savdhan as a boy-next-door, will now be seen in a completely different avatar. Read FULL story.
Here's what Deepika Padukone said when asked about her rumoured wedding with Ranveer Singh at an event
Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone recently attended an event organised by Ficci Ladies Organisation (FLO) where she urged women to indulge in self-care and to take some time off their various roles for themselves without feeling guilty.
Deepika Padukone on sharing depression battle: It was not about being brave or revolutionary
When a scribe questioned about her marriage at the event, Deepika was not pleased. "I am certainly not answering this question... It's an extremely insensitive question to ask at an event like this," said Deepika. Speculations around Ranveer and Deepika's wedding in November are rife and every now and then, a new report surfaces on social media. Read FULL story.
Govinda feels his struggle in Bollywood is inspirational
Bollywood actor Govinda, who is all set for his latest release Fryday believes that his journey as an outsider in Bollywood will inspire many artistes. Govinda is known for his brilliant comic timing and expressions.
During the trailer launch of Fryday, when asked about his interest in biopic on his life, Govinda said: "I do not think that making a biopic on my life at this point of my career is a good idea. I am working on films. But I think starting from zero, in a film industry that does not give any newcomer a chance easily, to make it to the top is surely an interesting journey of my life; that is inspirational." Read FULL story.
Sonam Kapoor looks like goddess in bright purple lehenga while hubby Anand Ahuja holds her dupatta (PICS)
Bollywood diva Sonam Kapoor recently attended an event in Delhi organised by a jewellery brand of which she is an ambassador. The actress walked the ramp in an elaborate purple lehenga pairing it with statement jewellery. Hair tied in a neat bun and muted makeup completed her look. She was accompanied by her darling husband Anand Ahuja, who looked dapper in a white shirt and blue trouser. See ALL PICTURES.
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