Celebrated actor Parambrata Chatterjee of 'Kahaani' fame said, "We are not issuing any threat to anybody. But the local industry has its stake. This is our united stand and we mean it."
Actor-director and producer Arindam Sil said as line producer of 'Gunday' and many other Hindi films he could vouchsafe that no artiste from Tollygunj did the Bengali voice-over for the film from here. To a question, popular Bengali film director Raj Chakraborty requested for an end to airing future episodes of serials dubbed in Bengali on TV. "This is no threat, but is a request for allowing the survival of local industry."
Big ticket producers Srikant Mohta of Shree Venkatesh films said, "At a time when Tollywood films are attracting good audience response due to content and quality we have to work for saving this limited market."