New Delhi: Bubbly Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt recently suffered multiple burns while performing at the Big Star Entertainment Awards. The 20 year old suffered burns marks on her face and hands as the bursting crackers on stage went out of control.
The news spread like a wild fire and left her fans shocked as well as worried about her health. Though, the recent news might give them a sight of relief.
As per the latest reports, superstar Salman Khan was among the first ones to meet Alia after the mishap.
Salman, who was also present at the venue that day, rushed to Alia's vanity van as soon as he learnt about the accident. He made sure she was okay and advised her to go home ASAP, reported a leading entertainment website.
OMG! Alia Bhatt suffers multiple burns on her face and hands
Isn't it a lovely gesture? Surely it is.
Salman is known for taking care of people around him, no matter who they are. In this case, it was Mahesh Bhatt's daughter Alia Bhatt who received the care from the Bajrangi Bhaijaan star.
The Highway actress posted about the incident on Twitter and thanked her fans for their love and support.
“Thank you guysss so much for all your concern, love and wishes !!! Things like this are a gentle reminder that we can't overlook safety. It isn't possible to go through life accident-free. But, most accidents- like this one – are preventable… FYI my face is fine.”
We hope she recovers soon.