New Delhi: There has always been a thick line between believers and non-believers in God. No one is going to knock your door and make you aware about the presence of God Almighty. None is going to ask you where your God is.
The superstitions and rituals carried out in different faiths continue to be passed on to upcoming generations over centuries.
While some god men claim to have supernatural powers with spiritual attainments, the question whether they do really possess God -like qualities or they play with human beliefs, is always a matter of debate.
In comes Akshay Kumar as the modern avatar of Lord Krishna to answer all your questions, particularly an atheist like Kanji played by Paresh Rawal in the flick “O My God”.

The OMG story is about Kanji Lalji Mehta who runs a business selling god idols, is himself a non-believer. He buys old looking idosl and other religious items at throwaway prices and sells them at double or triple the price or sometimes ten times more.