Chennai: Actor Naga Chaitanya-starrer Telugu actioner "Autonagar Surya", directed by Deva Katta, released Friday after a delay of almost a year. Chaitanya says he would like work with the film's director again.
"I know we went through great difficulty in releasing this film. But keeping all that aside, I would like to work with Deva again. I learnt a lot from him about cinema while working on the film. I have a lot of respect for him and commend his commitment," Naga Chaitanya told IANS.
"Autonagar Surya" also features Samantha Ruth Prabhu in the lead.
Meanwhile, Chaitanya is busy completing Telugu romantic-comedy "Oka Laila Kosam" and will soon start working with director Sudheer Babu on an yet-untitled Telugu film.A