Firing a fresh salvo, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has shared a new video in which she lambasts the "intellectual journalists" and reveals the list of blind items written about the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. In the new video, Kangana talks about how media harmed him by blind items. Sushant was found dead in his Bandra home on June 14, Sunday. According to Mumbai police, he died by suicide.
Kangana quotes Sushant’s father, his ex-girlfriend Ankita Lokhande and filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor- with whom the actor collaborated for his debut Kai Po Che and Kedarnath. The actress then goes on to read out blind items published about Sushant.
Kangana asks why such articles are never written about 'nepo kids'
“Emotional, psychological, and mental lynching on an individual happens openly and we all are all guilty of watching it silently. Is blaming the system enough? Will there ever be change? Are we going to see a monumental shift in the narrative on how outsiders are treated,” the video was captioned on her Instagram.
In a video shared earlier this week, Kangana spoke about the nexus between media and big guns of Bollywood. She says that Sushant's death is not a suicide but a planned murder.