New Delhi: The premiere of 'Finding Fanny' will be held on August 25, 17 days before its release date.
It is quite unusual to conduct the premiere of a Bollywood movie long before its release but since Finding fanny has a different plot, the makers are using this unique marketing approach.
The decision was taken after the film's trailer garnered a positive response. The trailer shows that the movie is the perfect blend of romance, fun and contentment.
"Premiering a film two weeks before its release has never been done before in Bollywood, but we are willing to stick our necks out. We want opinion makers and regular moviegoers to share their views. Hope this strategy generates an actively interested forum for Finding Fanny.",says the producer Dinesh Vijan as quoted by a leading daily.
Shikha Kapur, chief marketing officer of Fox Star Studios, adds, "A story this strong deserves a unique marketing approach. So, we are inverting the normal course of promotional campaigns and will commence ours with the premiere of the film."
Creating a whole lot of mystery and playing around confusions, Finding Fanny is a quest of finding Stefanie Fanny Fernandes, the lost love of Naseeruddin Shah.
Directed by Homi Adajania,it stars Arjun Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Naseeruddin Shah, Pankaj Kapur and Dimple Kapadia, and will be released in Hindi and English.
'Finding Fanny' is a story about five Goans going on a road trip in search of an old postman's childhood love, Stefanie "Fanny" Fernandes played by Anjali Patel. Set in Goa, the film's dialogues are primarily in English.
Produced by Saif Ali Khan's Illuminati film, 'Finding fanny' is a bi-lingual film which will release on Septembers 5.
Shooting of the film started in October 2013 and consummated in just 41 days. The movie is of just 90 minutes.