Tiger informed fans about this news through his microblogging site Twitter. Tiger, who was also seen in the first instalment of the movie in 2016, on Monday night took to Twitter, where he shared a photograph from the film's set. In the photograph Tiger, Disha, filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala and director Ahmed Khan can be seen.
"And so it begins 'Baaghi 2'. Ahmed Khan, Dish Patani, Shaira Ahmed Khan Sajid Nadiadwala," Tiger captioned the image.
Disha on Tuesday morning shared the same photograph and captioned it: "And that's how we kickstart 'Baaghi 2'. Tiger Shorff, Sajid Nadiadwala, Ahmed Khan. Abhi toh humne start kiya hai (We have just started)."
Tiger will be seen turning nearly bald in the upcoming film Baaghi 2.
Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under the banner Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment and presented by Fox Star Studios, the film is scheduled to release on April 27, 2018.
Baaghi, a martial arts film directed by Sabbir Khan in 2016, featured Tiger and actress Shraddha Kapoor.
The story revolved around Dhanushkodi, a man, who pledged to kill Santosh. So his father sends him away and hires Murthy to masquerade as Santosh. Murthy is in love with Santosh's cousin and hence willing to risk his life.
(With IANS Inputs)
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