Pehredaar Piya Ki has faced backlash ever since it was aired due to its alleged regressive storyline where a 9-years-old gets married to a 19-years-old girl. Criticising the show, views started a campaign and signed an online petition addressing I&B Minister Smriti Irani to ban Pehredaar Piya Ki. Now, Smriti Irani has responded on the issue and has written to Broadcasting Content Complaints Council to take immediate action against the show. The online petition, that was filed on, has been signed by more than 103,106 supporters.
Pehredaar Piya Ki is facing criticism not only from viewers but also from celebrities. Things are getting worse with each passing day as the latest episode featured wedding night sequence between the lead pair. Though, both the actors were only seen talking in the scene but watching a nine-year old child stalking a lady, getting married and then performing in ‘suhaagraat’ setup is not only objectionable but also disturbing.
On being asked about the online petition, the makers of the show said that the criticism is unjustified. Actor Suyyash Rai, who can also be seen playing a crucial role stated that people are targeting the show because it is different.
With the report of I&B Minister seeking for an immediate action, there are chances that the show will soon go off air.
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