The trailer of actor Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Paisa Vasool has released and it will surely blow your mind. The actor can be seen doing some high-octane action sequences in the two-minute long trailer. Balakrishna has essayed the role of Theda Singh, who had the record of killing people. The actor can be seen in larger-than-life personality and the video shows that people in underworld are scared of his name.
Along with directing the film, director Puri Jagannadh, has also penned down most of the dialogues of Balayya’s character. Balakrishna can be seen singlehandedly beating and punching goons making it a paisa vasool entertainer. Now, people are just waiting for the film to get released.
Veteran actor Kabir Bedi will also be seen playing the prominent role in the film. Paisa Vasool also features Shriya Saran, Vikramjeet Virk and Muskan Sethi in pivotal roles. Paisa Vasool is all set to hit the screens on September 1.
Lately, Balakrishna was in the news for slapping a fan who was trying to take a selfie with him. His behaviour shocked everyone.
Now, it is yet to be seen if the actor manages to impress movie buffs with his performance in the film.
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