Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor has turned a year older today. People are giving good wishes to the actor and one among them is his daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni. The gorgeous lady posted a collage which has two beautiful pictures. These will show the strong bond that Riddhima shares with her father. Many Bollywood celebrities like Sridevi and Riteish Deshmukh also gave good wishes to the actor.
Riddhima shared an image and captioned it as, “Happiest bday Papa love you so much.”
Sridevi took to micro-blogging site Twitter and wrote, “Wishing @chintskap a very happy birthday. Many happy returns of the day Rishiji.”
Riteish wrote, “There is no one more natural, more versatile than him. The Actor, the legend, the @chintskap - Happy Birthday Sir. Love you.”
Rishi Kapoor, who has also written his autobiography, Khullam Khulla: Rishi Kapoor Uncensored, has done many powerful roles in his career. He delivered wonderful performances in films like Bobby, Chandni, Damini and Deewana. He will next be seen in 102 Not Out alongside Amitabh Bachchan.
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