Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh tied the knot with his fiancée Rukmini Sahay yesterday. The couple had an intimate wedding ceremony. Neil and Rukmini looked match made in heaven and here are the pictures that say the whole story.
Neil looked handsome in cream and maroon sherwani whereas Rukmini looked drop dead beauty in red and orange lehenga. The outfits of bride and groom were designed by Sarath Krishnan.
Neil was all smiles on his big day. He was introduced to his wife by his parents.
He arrived with full swag. He looked similar to the character he played in ‘Prem Ratan Dhan Payo’
With Kalire and perfect jewellery, Rukmini looked like a picture to behold.
The wedding was conducted in traditional way. All rituals took place in proper way.
The couple got married in Udaipur. Thus, the decoration was done keeping in mind the Rajasthani culture.
Neil and Rukmini had a dream wedding.
Neil’s father Nitin Mukesh looked very happy. He was seen performing the rituals with his bahu.
The bride looked emotional during the Kanyadan.
The marriage was attended by the couple’s close friends and family. Neil and Rukmini was captured in a beautiful moment.
Last year, the actor announced his marriage when shared pictures of his Roka ceremony on social networking sites.