Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh got engaged to Mumbai girl Rukmini Sahay on Tuesday at a Juhu hotel. Staying true to their custom of trolling one and all, netizens made fun of Neil on the micro-blogging website Twitter over the news. The actor, however, has responded all the trolls with a post on Twitter saying that he and his would-be wife Rukmini were laughing at the poor jokes.
The ‘Prem Ratan Dhan Payo’ star has for long been a target of trolls, mostly because of his name. The jokes fired at him yesterday on social media too had their crux around the same. One user on the website said that Rukmini must be a fan of teen patti which is why she is marrying Neil, while other said that the actor was just two names away from marrying Draupadi.
Shutting everyone who made fun of the blissful news, Neil a collage of his and Rukmini with words, “Needless to say we are laughing at the ones who are trying so hard to be funny ...I'm sure you guys wish well too with the ‘SOH’” (sic) on Twitter.
Neil also thanked his fans for their well wishes.
Earlier in an interview, Neil had addressed the question about trolls who make fun of his name. The grandson of legendary singer Mukesh had then said that he is unaffected by them and is proud of his name and lineage.
With Neil’s classy response, maybe the trolls will now understand that he has now had enough of the same jokes and isn’t affected by them anymore.
Neil and Rukmini are expected to tie the knot early next year. Speaking about his fiancée, Neil had yesterday said that she understands him and is the perfect soul mate he could have asked for.