After entertaining the audiences on small screen, actor, singer and host Ayushmann Khurrana entered Bollywood with Vicky Donor. The movie was based on sperm donation and the subject was considered a taboo in the country. But, it was Ayushmann’s performance and his funny antics that made the movie a hit. After that, there was no looking back. From delivering a fantastic performance in Dum Laga Ke Haisha to coming up with the topic of erectile dysfunction in Shubh Mangal Saavdhan, the actor has proved that even content driven films can be commercially successful. On the actor’s birthday, have a look at his movies which had unique concepts.
Vicky Donor
The actor made his big Bollywood debut with the film. The movie was based on sperm donation. Ayushmann received positive response for his performance and the film also performed well at the box office.
Dum Laga Ke Haisha
The film narrates the beautiful love story of a man, who first dislikes his overweight wife and later falls in love with her. The movie was the Bollywood debut of Bhumi Pednekar. It received good response at the box office.
Bareilly Ki Barfi
Set in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, the film talks about the thinking of a middle-class family. Ayushmann beautifully played the role of a lover, who could do anything to make her lady smile.
Shubh Mangal Saavdhan
The movie deals with the sensitive subject of erectile dysfunction. Ayushmann once again with his acting proved that he is here to stay in the industry. The movie received terrific response at the box office.
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