Veteran actor Dilip Kumar was hospitalised to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai after he suffered from dehydration and urinary tract infection. With each passing day, new details of his heath are coming out and his fans are praying for his speedy recovery. Lately, actor Akshay Kumar, who is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, also wished the veteran actor for his quick recovery saying that Dilip Kumar is in his prayers.
According to the latest reports, the health of veteran actor is improving and he is currently not on the ventilator. The doctors have also stated that his kidney functions are boosting. Earlier, legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar also prayed for the actor’s recovery through a social media post.
She tweeted, “Mujhe news dekhkar pata chala ki Dilip kumar ji ki tabiyat acchi nahi hai.Unki sehat mein jald sudhaar ho yehi meri Ishwar se prarthana.”
Dilip Kumar has worked in films like Madhumati, Devdas, Mughal-e- Azam, Ganga Jamuna, Ram Aur Shyam and Karma.
On a related note, Akshay will be seen sharing the screen space for the first time with actress Bhumi Pednekar in Toilet: Ek Prem Katha. Directed by Shree Narayan Singh, the movie creates awareness about open defecation. The movie is slated to release on August 11.
Also read: Akshay Kumar’s sister Alka Bhatia reveals her best Raksha Bandhan gift
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