North India's severe cold wave has prompted several states to extend winter vacations and revise school timings. Recently, the Lakhimpuri district of Uttar Pradesh has announced schools. According to the order, schools will remain closed till January 14. This order has been released by the DIOS Dr. Mahendra Pratap Singh.
Classes suspended up to 12th
Due to harsh weather conditions, classes up to 12th standard have been suspended. This order applies to all board-recognized schools. According to the District Inspector of Schools (DIOS), classes from nursery to intermediate (class 12) in all board-recognized schools will remain suspended until January 14, given the extreme cold. However, schools can conduct pre-board exams and practical exams as scheduled. School management is authorized to summon high school and intermediate examinees for these exams as per the fixed schedule.
Earlier, all schools up to class 8th were asked to close in the state capital. Meanwhile, the District Magistrate had also issued instructions regarding changing the timings of schools from class 9th to 12th. According to the order, the schools for classes 9th to 12th will run from 10 am to 3 pm and all government and private schools up to class 8th will remain closed till January 14.
In response to the severe cold conditions, Farrukhabad district has also announced school holiday. As per the directive released by the District Magistrate Dr VK Singh, all schools in the district will remain closed till January 14.
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