The first master's degree in Ninja studies was awarded in Japan's Mie University when Genichi, Mitsuhashi, 45, completed the degree from the university which lays in the area which is considered as the origination of Ninjutsu.
Mitsuhashi, spent two years examining historical documents on the true nature of the stealth fighters while perfecting his martial arts skills, reported news agency AFP. He previously studied rural development in Kyoto University in Japan. This is when he started learning kung fu, horinji kempo and other martial arts in high school.
“I read that ninjas worked as farmers in the morning and trained in martial arts in the afternoon,” he said, adding that “with this combination, I thought I could learn about the real ninja.”
Therefore, Mitsuhashi grew vegetables and worked on his martial arts techniques, in addition to his detailed ninja studies in the classroom.
Ninjas are famous for being black-clad assassins who are incredibly secretive and stealthy, meaning they also had "comprehensive survival skills," he added. The concept of the ninja is believed to have originated in the early 15th century, when feudal lords hired mercenary spies to infiltrate opposing castles and obtain information.