The National Testing Agency (NTA) is expected to release the University Grants Commission- National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) admit cards soon. Candidates will be able to access and check their admit cards on the official website,, once released. This year, the National Testing Agency will be conducting the examination of UGC NET on June 18 for the position of Assistant Professor, Junior Research Fellowship, and Assistant Professor for various Indian universities and colleges. It is expected that the admit cards will be released anytime. However, there is no update from the testing agency regarding the release of hall tickets. All the candidates are advised to keep checking on the official website for latest updates.
The application process for the UGC NET exam 2024 was open till May 19 and the correction window closed on May 23. The city intimation slip was released on June 7 by NTA.
UGC NET 2024: How to download?
Candidates can follow the mentioned steps to download their admit cards once released on the official website:-
- Visit the official website at
- Click on the link for 'UGC NET Admit Card 2024'.
- A login window will open.
- Enter your login credentials, which include the application number and date of birth.
- Click on 'Submit'.
- The admit card for UGC NET will be displayed on the screen.
- Review the details carefully.
- Save and download the admit card for future reference.
UGC NET 2024: Details mentioned on the admit card
Candidates are advised to check the admit card before downloading it. In case of any discrepancy, the candidates must contact the examination authority for rectification:-
- Name of the candidate
- Father's name
- Category
- Date of birth
- Photo
- Signature
- Roll number
- Application number
- Subject
- Exam date
- Exam time
- Exam centre
- Reporting time
- Guidelines and instructions for exam day
UGC NET 2024: Exam pattern
In the upcoming examination, there will be two papers which will be conducted in two shifts. The exam will consist of 83 subjects and the exam of 42 subjects will be held in the morning shift and 41 subjects in the afternoon shift. In the exam, Paper I will be for 100 marks and Paper II for 200 marks. The exams in the first shift will be conducted from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and the second shift from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The exam will have objective-type and multiple-choice questions. Candidates will receive 2 marks for every correct answer and there will be no negative marking for incorrect answers