A professor at Ramjas College, affiliated with Delhi University, has been suspended from teaching duties amid an ongoing investigation into allegations of sexual harassment. The college has taken disciplinary action against Professor Dhaniram by suspending him for six weeks from teaching responsibilities. He has also resigned from his position as the Joint Dean of Student Welfare at Delhi University amidst escalating protests by the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) and Delhi University Students’ Union (DUSU).
Speaking on the matter, Ramjas Principal Ajay Arora stated that the internal complaints committee of the college, which addresses the complaints of sexual harassment, has begun an investigation into the matter, reported ANI. The faculty member has been placed under teaching suspension for the next four to six weeks while the ICC conducts its investigation. Once the report is submitted, the governing body will decide on the penalty, Arora added. He also informed that the professor has resigned from the post of Joint Dean of Student Welfare at Delhi University.
The incident came to light in December when the victim complained to the internal complaints committee, but no action was taken by the university administration, prompting the ABVP to escalate the matter. Protestors locked the offices of the Dean and Joint Dean of Student Welfare, demanding immediate action.