The Delhi Zoo is grappling with the unexpected and unnatural death of Dharmendra, a male one-horned rhinoceros that was brought from Assam in September 2024. Authorities reported that the 11-year-old rhino was found dead in his enclosure on Thursday morning, sparking an investigation into the cause of his sudden demise.
According to officials, Dharmendra was in good health before his untimely death, and there were no previous records of any medical issues. He was introduced to a female rhino named Anjuha with hopes of breeding, as part of the zoo's conservation efforts for the species. Despite being placed in the company of Anjuha, Dharmendra’s condition was reported to be stable, and he showed no signs of distress.
The Zoo’s Director, Sanjeet Kumar, confirmed the tragic incident, stating that the rhino was found lifeless in his enclosure early in the morning. "The male rhino, approximately 11 years old, was found dead in his enclosure this morning. Since it was an unnatural death, and there was no history of illness, all possible causes are being considered, and an investigation is underway," Kumar said.
The zoo has since sent the rhino’s body to the veterinary hospital, where it was declared dead. The post-mortem report is expected to shed light on the specific cause of death.
The mysterious death of Dharmendra comes just a day after the zoo announced the passing of a 9-month-old white female tiger cub. The cub reportedly died from traumatic shock and pneumonia, conditions it had been battling for a while. The cub had been under treatment since September and passed away just four days ago. Kumar further explained,
"The female cub was undergoing treatment, but the traumatic shock and pneumonia led to her death. Her samples have been sent to the laboratory for further testing."
These sudden losses have raised concerns about the health and safety protocols at the zoo, particularly given the high-profile nature of the animals involved. Zoo authorities are promising a thorough investigation to determine the exact causes behind these untimely deaths.
The Delhi Zoo is home to a variety of species, and the recent incidents have drawn attention to the complexities of managing and caring for exotic wildlife in captivity. The zoo officials have assured the public that all necessary measures will be taken to prevent such incidents in the future.