Former Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday urged party workers to work with full strength after the Election Commission announced the poll dates. Taking to social media platform X, Kejriwal said that these elections will be between the politics of work and the politics of abuse.
He said, "The date of the election has been announced. All the workers should be ready to enter the fray with full strength and enthusiasm. Their big systems fail in front of your passion. You are our biggest strength. This election will be between the politics of work and the politics of abuse. The people of Delhi will have faith in our politics of work. We will definitely win."
Notably, the EC announced the schedule for the upcoming Assembly elections in Delhi. As per the EC, the national capital will vote in a single phase on February 5 to elect members for all 70 seats. Meanwhile, the results will be declared on February 8. Addressing a press conference, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar underlined the crucial role of voter participation in strengthening democracy. He also urged people to actively engage in the electoral process, hoping that 'Dilli dil se vote karegi' (Delhi will vote with all its heart). "Democracy is a beautiful garden, keep decorating it with your votes," he added.