Delhi Police arrested two people for allegedly a bag containing jewellery worth Rs 15 lakh from a security check at the X-BIS machine at Karol Bagh Metro Station, said a police officer on Wednesday. According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (metro) Dr G Ram Gopal Nayak, the arrested persons were identified as Mannonit Dang (30) and Salik Mahli (29), both natives of Jharkhand.
Theft happened amid huge rush
A theft was reported online via an e-FIR on December 26, involving the complainant's bag containing valuable jewelry, which was stolen at Karol Bagh Metro Station. The theft occurred during the security check at the X-BIS machine, amidst the rush of commuters.
A case under Section 303(2) BNS (theft) was registered at Raja Garden Metro Police Station, and a team led by inspector Mahesh Chandra was formed.
Accused sent to jail
The team meticulously reviewed CCTV footage from multiple metro stations and conducted extensive surveillance.
Nayak said that the footage revealed a female commuter, along with her accomplice, stealing the bag from the scanning machine and later exiting the Kashmere Gate Metro Station. "Through technical surveillance and human intelligence, the female suspect was traced to Rajender Nagar, Delhi, and subsequently, arrested on December 28," the officer said.
Further investigation revealed her accomplice, Salik Mahli, had fled to Ahmedabad after the theft. Following a raid, Mahli was apprehended on December 30 and brought back to Delhi, he said.
The stolen bag containing jewellery worth Rs 15 lakh, along with other belongings, was recovered from the possession of the accused, he added. Both the accused have been sent to jail and further investigations are underway.
(With PTI inputs)
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