More than 100 flights were delayed at the Delhi airport on Friday morning due to bad weather conditions, an official said. Amid the prevailing dense fog conditions, Delhi airport authorities also issued an advisory and stated that flights which were not CAT III compliant would be affected. Taking to social media X, the authority wrote in a post "While landing and take-offs continue at Delhi airport, flights that are not CAT III compliant may get affected." On Friday, visibility was significantly reduced in several regions which caused delays for at least 24 trains departing from Delhi along with rescheduling of flights. At 8 am, the Palam airport in Delhi reported a 0 m visibility, while the Safdarjung Airport in New Delhi reported a 50-metre visibility. Both the airports are not used for commercial flight operations.
Further, the airport authorities requested passengers to contact concerned airlines for their updated flight information. "Passengers are requested to contact the airline concerned for updated flight information," the post further read. Inconveniences caused to passengers were regretted. "Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted," the post further read.
Trains delayed
As the cold wave continues its grip over North India with dense fog shrouding Delhi-NCR, train services have been affected in the national capital. Due to the fog cover, the visibility levels were reduced to zero in several parts of the city. Among the affected trains, the Ayodhya Express is delayed by 4 hours, while the Gorakh Express is running 2 hours and 50 minutes late. The Bihar Kranti Express is delayed by 3 hours and 20 minutes, and the Shram Shakti Express by 3 hours and 10 minutes.
In response to the chilly weather, residents of the capital were seen gathering around bonfires, while others took shelter in night homes as temperatures continued to drop. Other northern states of the country continued to face the harsh winter conditions.Uttar Pradesh's Lucknow recorded a minimum temperature of 8 degrees Celsius at 3:30 a.m. Temporary shelter homes have been set up by the local administration for the homeless people.