Delhi is expected to witness rainfall this week. As per the Delhi weather update shared by IMD Scientist Dr Naresh Kumar, light rainfall is expected in the National capital on January 6. In Delhi, the weather conditions worsened as visibility dropped to zero in some areas on Friday after a thick blanket of fog engulfed the national capital. The minimum temperature in Delhi was recorded to be 7 degrees Celsius, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said.
North India weather updates
The IMD scientist shared weather update in North India and informed of active western disturbance. He predicted light to moderate snowfall in the western Himalayan region in the next 4-5 days. Heavy snowfall in J&K on the 4th and 5th of January.
"There is an active western disturbance which lies over the western Himalayan region. There will be light to moderate snowfall in the western Himalayan region in the next 4-5 days. We may even expect heavy snowfall in J&K on the 4th and 5th of January. Adjoining plains can also experience light to moderate rainfall. Light rainfall is expected in Delhi on 6th January...", he said.
Delhi weather update
Delhi is reeling from cold days since Monday and today's fog worsened the conditions even more. On Friday, the minimum temperature in Delhi was recorded to be 7 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, the maximum temperature expected to settle around 17 degrees Celsius.
Cold day conditions in Delhi
IMD on Thursday said that the national capital is witnessing 'cold day' conditions for the fourth consecutive day. The maximum temperature in Delhi settled at 16.2 degrees, three notches below normal, and the minimum temperature was recorded at 7.6 degrees.
A "cold day" is when the minimum temperature is under 10 degrees Celsius and the highest or lowest temperature is at least 4.5 degrees lower than what is considered normal for a specific period.
Zero visibility in several parts
On Friday, the visibility dropped to zero in some areas. Te weather office said Delhi's IGI Airport experienced very dense fog, with visibility recorded at 0 metres. It said all runways are operating under CAT-III norms -- a navigation system that helps planes land under low visibility.
At 8 am, Palam weather station reported very dense fog with 0 metres visibility and calm winds over the past two hours, while the city's primary weather station, Safdarjung, reported visibility of 50 metres with calm winds, according to a weather department official.