In a devastating incident, three teenagers lost their lives while bathing in the Munak canal near the Haiderpur water treatment plant in Delhi’s Rohini area, as confirmed by the police on Wednesday. The distressing event unfolded around 3:20 PM on Wednesday, prompting a call to the Police Control Room at KNK Marg police station regarding the drowning of the three boys.
Rescue efforts
Local police, along with teams from the Fire Brigade and the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), swiftly responded to the scene. Despite rescue efforts, the boys were found unresponsive and subsequently pronounced dead upon arrival at Dr. BSA Hospital in Rohini.
Victims identified
Preliminary inquiries revealed that the victims were minors and residents of Bhalaswa Dairy. The trio had entered the canal for a bath, tragically leading to the fatal outcome.
Ongoing investigation
Authorities have initiated further investigations into the circumstances surrounding the incident. Meanwhile, the bodies have been preserved for post-mortem examination as part of the investigative process.
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