The Election Commission of India on Monday released the final electoral roll of Delhi which showed that the national capital has a total 1,55,24,858 voters, 83,49,645 male and 71,73,952 female voters, third gender 1,261.
A press release issued by the office of the chief electoral officer showed, 1,55,24,858 voters (83,49,645 Male, 71,73,952 Female and 1261 Thirdgender) registered in Delhi indicating 1.09% increase over the electors in draft elector roll published on 29.10.2024 (i.e.1,53,57,529).
The gender gap was reduced by 04 points, Elector – Population ratio increased by 02 points; 52, 554 first time electors (18-19 age group) added, during SSR2025 from the date of draft publication, it added.
Eight FIRs filed against 24 people for submission of false documents
Till now, eight FIRs were filed against 24 people for submission of false/tampered documents for obtaining voter ID. CEO, Delhi cautions against submission of false and fabricated documents for getting new voter ID.
"The Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls w.r.t. qualifying date 01.01.2025 started in all 70 Assembly Constituencies of NCT of Delhi with commencement of prerevision activities on 20.08.2024. After completion of pre-revision activities, draft electoral roll was published on 29.10.2024 calling for filling of claims and objections during period from 29.10.2024 to 28.11.2024. Total number of electors at the time of draft publication was 1,53,57,529. In accordance with the ECI guidelines, draft electoral roll was also displayed at all designated locations all over Delhi w.e.f. 29.10.2024. A hard copy as well as soft copy (without image) of the draft electoral roll was provided free of cost to all six (06) recognized political parties on the day of draft publication. Meeting with political parties were held at CEO level as well as DEOs level seeking their participation in the SSR e.g. appointment of BLAs by political parties, involvement of BLAs in each process of SSR by keeping co-ordination with the EROs and BLOs. A public notice regarding Special Summary Revision was also released in the prominent newspapers for information of general public of NCT of Delhi. Draft electoral roll was made available on CEO, Delhi website for facilitation of general public," the press release read.
The elections for the 70 Assembly constituencies in Delhi are due to be held in February next year. The BJP, out of power in Delhi since 1998, has pulled all the stops to win the polls and replace AAP which has been dominating since 2013. In the last two Assembly elections in 2015 and 2020, the AAP routed the BJP restricting it to three and eight seats, respectively.