The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Tuesday launched its "campaign song" for the upcoming Assembly Election in Delhi. The song is titled "Phir Layenge Kejriwal (Will bring back Kejriwal again)". The 3.29-minute song -- highlights AAP's achievements during its tenure in office and aims to strike a chord with voters, emphasising continuity in governance. Chief Minister Atishi and other senior AAP leaders Manish Sisodia, Saurabh Bharadwaj, Gopal Rai and Sanjay Singh, among others, were present at the release. With the release of the campaign song, AAP has intensified efforts to retain its footing in the national capital.
Earlier on Monday, senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia said that 100 students have joined an internship programme to assist in the election war room for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. The initiative also includes support for Sisodia's campaign in the Jangpura constituency.
According to a statement, the programme received applications from around 1,000 students across India, out of which 100 were selected. These students will manage various facets of the campaign, such as war rooms, back-end operations, research, fieldwork, on-ground campaigning, and public interactions.
Titled "Internship with Manish Sisodia", the programme was launched on December 21 with the aim of offering young individuals hands-on experience in election management. The internship provides insights into how campaigns are conducted, how leaders function, and the role of democracy as a transformative tool, Sisodia said.
Delhi Assembly Election scheduled to be announced today
The Election Commission of India (ECI) is set to announce the schedule for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections on Tuesday. The EC will hold the press conference at 2 pm at Vigyan Bhawan, where the details of the election dates will be revealed. The term of the 70-member Assembly will end on February 23, and elections have to be held before that to constitute a new House. Delhi has traditionally seen Assembly polls in a single phase.