Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Tuesday wrote to LG VK Saxena against his order to demolish temples and Buddhist structures. In a letter to the LG, she stated that the demolition of religious structures can hurt the religious sentiments of people.
In her correspondence, She said, " It has been brought to my attention that the Religious Committee has ordered the demolition of numerous religious structures all across Delhi, in a meeting dated November 22, 2024, whose minutes are enclosed."
She alleged that until last year, the decision of the Religious Committee went to him through the CM and Delhi Home Minister but in the concerned order this process was not followed. She said, "In an order issued last year your office stated that demolition of religious structures is a matter related to 'public order', and does not fall under the purview of the elected government and will be directly under the purview of the Hon'ble LG. Since then the work of the Religious Committee has been directly monitored by you."
Furthermore, she requested the LG to stop the demolition as it would hurt the religious sentiments of the people. Atishi said, "Demolition of these structures would hurt the religious sentiments of these communities. On behalf of the people of Delhi, I would like to request you to not to demolish any of these temples and places of worship in the list enclosed."
She also alleged that the committee is monitored by LG himself and the religious committee decided to demolish after his direction and approval. "It has been decided by the Religious Committee - on your directions, and with your approval - to demolish multiple religious structures across Delhi," she said in her letter.
List of temples, and religious structures to be demolished:
- Temple situated near Nallah Market, 26-Block West Patel Nagar.
- Mandir at Add:- H. No. 32 A-pkt N Dilshad Garden.
- Statue at Add:- Park-I, Block, H.No.I-151, Sunder Nagri'
- Mandir at Add:-B-Block, H.No.30-31, Seema Puri.
- Mandir at Add:-Near H.No.395, Gokal Puri.
- Mandir in side of New Usmanpur MCD Flats near Gate No. 1.