As many as 15 trains coming to Delhi from various parts of the country are running late. As per the update shared by the Indian Railways, the trains are running late due to the foggy weather. As per the list, trains are late by 32 to 740 minutes. Passengers are advised to keep tracking their trains ahead of the journey. Check the complete list of the delayed trains below.
15 trains late
From Tata Jat exp (18101) to Sikkimmahananda (15483) to Gorakhdham Exp (12556), several prominent trains are running hours late from their schedule due to the adverse weather conditions.
The Nagpur AC Express (train number 22126) which was supposed to reach Delhi at 10:50 am, is now delayed by 740 minutes. Train number 12311 from Kolkata—Netaji Express, which is expected to reach Delhi at 20:55 pm, is late by 123 minutes.
Full list of delayed trains
Passengers can check the complete list of delayed Delhi bound trains below.
Delhi weather: IMD predicted dense fog on Monday
India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicted very dense fog on Monday, with the maximum and minimum temperatures expected to settle around 18 and 6 degrees Celsius. The National capital recorded a maximum temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, two degrees below normal.
Today, Delhi witnessed cold to severe cold day conditions, with the maximum temperature settling 5.4 notches below normal at 15 degrees Celsius.
IMD predicts clear skies tomorrow
The Met office has predicted mainly clear skies with cold day conditions at isolated places on Tuesday.
The surface wind is predominantly likely to blow from the northwest at a speed of less than 6 kilometres per hour during the morning and will be accompanied by smog or shallow fog at most places and moderate fog in isolated areas. Wind speeds are expected to increase to 10 to 12 kilometres per hour in the afternoon before decreasing to less than 8 kilometres per hour in the evening and the night.
Smog and shallow to moderate fog are likely during the evening and the night, the weather department stated.
ALSO READ | Weather update: Delhi to see further dip in temp today as cold wave, dense fog grip North India
(With ageny inputs)