Rajasthan Police have arrested a school headmaster for raping an 11-year-old girl studying in class 8, inside the classroom of a government school, confirmed police officials on Saturday.
The victim called on the Child Welfare Committee and narrated her ordeal. The committee contacted the Singhana police station area police and got the accused arrested.
As per the Singhana police station officer Bhajana Ram, "The crime was reported on October 5. The accused headmaster had also threatened to kill the girl if she tried to tell about the incident to anybody else."
"However, as the girl shared her tale with the Child Welfare Committee, the accused headmaster Keshav Yadav was arrested by police and a case was registered against him under POCSO Act. The accused is being interrogated," he added further.
Police officials said that the girl was quite upset after the incident. While studying, she saw the child helpline number and contacted on it which quickly informed Archana Choudhary, Chairperson of the Child Welfare Committee. The team met the girl and informed the Jhunjhunu SP Manish Tripathi who sent the team to arrest the school headmaster.