Hyderabad: In an attempt to check incidents of harassment of women in public places, the Hyderabad police have devised a strategy of setting up 100 special teams. In a first of its kind move, these teams are called SHE teams.
SHE will attempt to counter, physical harassment, eve teasing and even stalking of women in public areas. Interestingly, SHE teams will dress like civilians and will be armed with video cameras. Each of the teams will have 5 police personnel. Their job is to move with the people and keep an eye on the suspects.
"We have identified hotspots where regular complaints come. Also timing the when eve teasing is frequent." Hyderabad Additional Commissioner of Police Swati Lakra said.
These teams are well-trained. They will use video cameras as evidence to register case against them. First time offenders will be given counseling before parents/ family members. Habitual offenders will face action under the Nirbhaya Act.
The Hyderabad police have also undertaken the social responsibility to campaign against eve teasing.
Lakra said, "It is a warning to men that if they harass women they will regret it."
More than 40 men, from an 18-year-old youth to a 45-year-old man, have been caught by SHE teams in its first week itself. The police are taking suo-motu action even if women do not wish to file complaints.