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Crime Library: the gruesome rape and torture case that shook Japan

India TV News Desk [Published on:10 Sep 2013, 12:02 PM]

She was beaten repeatedly and was burnt with cigarettes. Heavy  items were thrown at her body which caused her unbearable pain. Fireworks were pushed into her mouth, nose, ears and private organs. The assailants perfomed these vicious acts without any hatred or resentment towards  the young Junko.

While she was made to go through this  gruesome torture, she was further forced to starve and when she was fed, it was with live insects and her own urine.

With very little strength left in her body Junko somehow managed to arrange an escape from torture. She tried making a call for help but was caught by one of the boys. Junko's legs were set on fire as punishment for trying to run away.
