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Crime Library: the gruesome rape and torture case that shook Japan

India TV News Desk [Published on:10 Sep 2013, 12:02 PM]

It was the afternoon of November 25, 1988 when the young Junko left her school for home. But she was not destined to reach home. A group of 7 boys abducted her and took her to one of the convicts'  house. To ensure their safety, the boys made Junko call her parents that she would be spending night at her friend's place. Little had her parents known that their daughter would not return alive.

Junko did not know her hostage takers. Never had she developed any enmity with her assailants. The 44-day long torture had just begun. It began with the rapists incessantly raping Junko. The group of boys raped her almost 400 times.
