In a chilling incident in Shivpuri district of Madhya Pradesh, three individuals were found dead under mysterious circumstances on Monday morning. The victims, identified as 75-year-old Sitaram Lodhi, his 70-year-old wife Munni Bai, and their 65-year-old neighbour Suraj Bai, were discovered in a hut near a field in the village of Rautora, located in the Pichhore assembly constituency.
The local police suspect foul play and are probing into it as a probability of a triple murder. Initial reports state that Sitaram Lodhi's death was strangulation, Munni Bai head injuries and also Suraj Bai was strangled.
Grim discovery by grandson
According to police, the tragic discovery was made by Lodhi's grandson, who lived with them. After waking up in the morning, the grandson went to the hut and found the bodies. He immediately alerted the authorities.
Upon receiving the information, Shivpuri District Superintendent of Police, Aman Singh Rathore, along with his team, travelled approximately 130 kilometres to the crime scene and initiated an investigation.
No known enemies or disputes
According to Deputy Superintendent of Police Prashant Sharma, the couple had no known enemies or disputes, and initial inquiries suggest that they were not involved in any conflicts with anyone. Close neighbours of the couple have claimed that the Lodhi were grappling with money problems, probably giving clues, but no concrete motive is determined, as of now.
Police continue questioning residents and are all about finding answers to discover the truth behind the unfortunate incident. The authorities have high hopes for more probes revealing further details and strange circumstances surrounding the death.
Investigation underway
This case has shaken the community, and authorities are putting in strenuous efforts to untangle the mystery. According to the police, they are currently focusing their inquiries on gathering information concerning the neighbours and those who may have some knowledge of the neighbourhood regarding possible motives behind the killing. For now, nothing is known about the cause of the deaths as well as the identity of their perpetrators.
The case has left an array of queries, and, of course, the police would inform the public more as further developments happen in their investigations.