Two men, both having criminal records, were stabbed to death after a scuffle in West Delhi's Khayala on Sunday night. The Delhi Police received two PCR calls late night about a scuffle between two groups. Immediately a team from Khayala police station reached the spot and shifted the injured to the hospital where both succumbed to the stab injuries.
"Rohit, who had a criminal record, in a drunken state was confronted by Ashish and his friends. Ashish too had criminal cases registered again him. They both got into a fight and Rohit stabbed Ashish. Later, Ashish's friend Sahil also stabbed Rohit in retaliation," said a senior police officer.
Both Rohit and Ashish died during the treatment at Guru Gobind Singh hospital.
Bodies of the deceased have been shifted to the Deen Dayal Upadhyay hospital mortuary.
The District Crime team and forensic team visited the spot.
"A case under Section 302 IPC will be registered on the statement of an eyewitness," the officer said.