A man in Andhra Pradesh surrendered before the police on Saturday after he allegedly beheaded his son-in-law. The incident was reported from Dhara Jagannadhapuram village in Rautulpudi Mandal of East Godavari district, where the man, identified as Palla Satyanarayana killed his son-in-law Lachchana after he came to know that latter had killed his daughter Pavani. According to the details, Satyanarayana killed Lachchana with a sharp weapon shortly after the latter turned up at his in-laws' house in a drunken state.
The man killed his son-in-law upon learning that he had killed his daughter 10 months ago for a second marriage, Satyanarayana told police.
Lachchana was also planning to kill his two daughters who had started living with their maternal grandfather after the death of their mother.
Satyanarayana on August 8 had invited Lachchana to his house in Dhara Jagannadhapuram village for a ritual on the eve of his daughter, Pavani's 10-month death anniversary.
Lachchana, however, arrived in a drunken state and allegedly confessed that he had killed his wife, Satyanarayana's daughter, to marry for a second time.
He also told Satyanarayana that he would take back his two daughters and kill them.
Learning about the murder of his daughter, Lachchana's plans to kill his two daughters and marry again, furious Satyanarayana attacked and beheaded him with a sharp weapon.
After beheading his son-in-law, Satyanarayana reached the police station with the severed head and surrendered before the police.
The police have taken the accused into custody and a case of murder has been registered.
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