A shocking incident occurred in Andhra Pradesh’s Kakinada district on the night of December 31 when a car, driven by drug smugglers, ran over a police official at a toll plaza in Kirlampudi Mandal. The incident occurred when the local police were conducting checks on vehicles in response to information about a drug smuggling operation in the area during the New Year's celebrations. The whole incident was captured on the CCTV camera.
At around midnight, the police stopped an SUV for routine checks at Krishnavaram toll plaza. The video shows the driver slowing down the car before suddenly speeding off which resulted in the vehicle crushing two police constables. As per the information, both constables sustained serious injuries and were quickly rushed to the hospital by their fellow colleagues.
Upon investigation, the police discovered that the suspects, after hitting the policemen, had abandoned their car near Canal Road in Rajanagaram and fled the scene. The police have registered a case and launched an operation to nab the culprits.
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